Ask that question to a dozen different people and you will get a dozen different answers. And all twelve will most likely be driven by opinions and experiences, mostly bad ones, from somewhere in their pasts. When it comes right down to it, most folks have no clue as to what a church board member is really supposed to do. But don’t tell them that. Most of them don’t know that they don’t know.
So, what are board members for?

Yeah, I know it is Thanksgiving week. But I wanted to be among the first to remind you of what you have to look forward to at the dawning of 2014.
First, your involvement in ObamaCare is about to get serious. Up to now, it’s been mostly rhetoric and debate between politicians and talk radio, but now the laws are beginning to kick in and to effect American lives.
The first wave isn’t pretty. Millions of policies are being cancelled. Even if you like your policy, most can’t keep it because, under the new laws, those polices do not cover everything that the new rules require. It doesn’t matter whether you need that coverage or not; the new laws are making your current policy illegal to sell.
Not only does ObamaCare mess with your health insurance, it also mangles your taxes. Take a look at this post for a little closer look.
Who Are You Following?
Everybody imitates somebody. When I was a kid, I had a friend who adapted the mannerisms and expressions of Colonel Hogan from the tv series Hogan’s Heroes.
After whom do you pattern your life?
Elisha patterned his after Elijah’s. Elisha did not just practice Elijah’s preaching style or memorize his best lines, but he walked the same roads Elijah walked, he slept in the same houses, ate the same fare, braved the same elements, confronted the same crowds. He stood behind him as the prophet spoke, carried water when he was thirsty, delivered messages when asked. Elisha was covered by the dust Elijah’s feet stirred up.
It worked. Elisha received what he asked for. A double-portion of Elijah’s anointing came upon him.
Admiring someone does not make you like them. Doing what they do is what changes you. You can’t act like Madonna and become Mother Teresa.
Who you admire is important, but who you imitate is critical, because they are what you are becoming.
How well do you handle change?
How good are you at motivating change?
There are two basic reasons why people do not change.
1. They don’t believe what they are being told or shown. Our decisions reflect what we believe. We say a whole lot of stuff, but most of it is just that – stuff. To really know what a person believes, you must watch what they do, not just listen to what they say. Actions identify beliefs. Nothing else does. People move toward what they actually believe.
2. They don’t change because they value what they presently possess more than what is being offered. What you present may be wonderful, but it must not only be better than what they currently have, but the gain promised must be significant enough to convince them to shatter their personal comfort zone and begin work on another. Two intangibles that rank near the top of every human’s list of things most valued: comfort and familiar.