In my few decades on this Earth, I don’t recall a time when men were more determined to prove their collective stupidity. It’s as if every evening the world’s movers and shakers review that day’s events, and plot how they can come up with something even more ridiculous before sunrise. How else can you explain our new rule that children can choose whether they want to be a boy or a girl, that everybody has free access to everybody else’s bathroom, and that the NFL and PayPal can refuse to do business with people they disagree with, but people who live in North Carolina cannot? We are so full of ourselves that we can’t see how perfectly we are fulfilling Romans 1:22. Professing ourselves to be wise, we’ve become fools.
We make very few of the products we consume in America any more. Now, we buy all that stuff from foreign countries that don’t like us while we sell each other information, personal services, medical care, and food. Quite a financial infrastructure. More than 45 million Americans are on food stamps, and Gallup reported last year that only 44% of Americans over the age of 18 have a full-time job. Meanwhile, the deficit widens and our national debt is now more than our total economic production.