In the Summer of 1999, a young man, just finished with high school and looking forward to his college career, attended a youth service with some of his friends. In the middle of his sermon, the preacher suddenly stopped and said,”There is a young man here, already planning to go to college, that God is calling you to give up your plans and dreams and go to Bible college and serve Him.”
The boy did have plans and dreams. He loved working with computers, and after finishing college, that would be his life’s work.
But he felt the tug and call that evening. After a lengthy time of prayer around the altar, he went home and told his mother and pastor that God wanted him to go to Bible college.
College started in just two weeks. But in those two weeks, the young man was able to get admitted to Bible school, find the money to move a few hundred miles, and get all settled in. Although he was giving up his lifelong dream of pursuing a computer science degree, he was happy with his decision and was excited about his future.