One of the five books that impacted my life the most in 2014 was a short self-published book called The Church On Godless Lane. Written by missionary William Turner, the book is a collection of his experiences while serving in Russia and other countries that were once part of the Soviet block.
I gave my copy to a friend, and so instead of including a photo of the cover, I’ve attached a picture of the Turners.
(To read more, click the READ MORE link on the left below)
Brother Turner is a good writer and his stories are compelling. But what grabbed my attention is that the same names of young missionaries kept coming up as he told his stories. These young men and women were part of a larger group of young people who came to serve in Europe for a short time, but developed a passion to take the gospel to these nations that had been dominated by the godless soviet influence. These young people made this mission their life’s calling and you can see how they have made an impact in this critical part of our world.
It is the message of these young missionaries that I found so inspiring. If God can take these young people and develop them into a solid apostolic team, why can’t he do the same with the young lives that are sitting on our North American church pews?
This book convinced me that exposing young people to the need and letting them see first-hand the tremendous fields that surround us can be the experience that ignites a passion in their souls for the mission work of the church.
I’ve determined to do all I can in 2015 to convince the young men and women that I influence to immerse themselves in a short-term commitment to missions so that they can taste and see it for themselves. I believe the story that is behind the story of The Church On Godless Lane can be repeated over and over again both at home and abroad.
Stay tuned! I’ll be drawing at last one name from off our mailing list to give a copy of this book.
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